Thursday 7 April 2011

Bukit Kasih, Nort Sulawesi

Bukit Kasih – or the Hill of Love is located in the village of Kanonang at Kawangkoan, some 55 kilometers from Manado, North Sulawesi. It was built in 2002  as a spiritual center where religious followers from various faiths can gather, meditate and worship side by side  in this lush and misty tropical hill.
This hill is called the Hill of Love because it is where people from different religions can gather and worship side by side as a symbol of religious and peaceful harmony. Five houses of worship are here, a Catholic Church, a Christian church, a temple, a mosque and Hindu temple  built on the second peak. On the first peak is a 53 meter tall white cross which can be seen even from the Boulevard beach in Manado. In addition, this place is believed to be the original place where lived original ancestors of the Minahasa tribe, Toar and Lumimuut. Their faces are carved on the hillside beneath the second peak.

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