Sunday 10 April 2011

Boen Tek Bio Tample, Tangerang

The second wave of Chinese arrivals to Tangerang is expected to occur after the massacre of Chinese in Batavia in 1740. VOC is able to extinguish the rebellion was sent to the Chinese people to cultivate Tangerang district. Dutch established the settlement of Chinese people in the form of huts that are still known by the name: Pondok Cabe, Pondok Corn, Pondok Aren, etc.. Tegal around Sand (River Sand) Dutch established settlements known as the Chinese Nine plots. The village was later developed into a commercial center and has become part of the city of Tangerang. This area lies east of the river Cisadane, now the Old Market area.
Boen Tek Bio Temple establishment is expected around the year 1750. The slum dwellers are plot Nine mutual help raise funds to build a temple named Boen Tek Bio. (Boen = Literature Bio Tech = Virtue = Places of Worship). Bio The first stand was expected to remain modest in the form of bamboo poles and thatched. Early 19th century, after trading in Tangerang increased, and people Boen Tek Bio more and more, these temples and experience changes in shape as can be seen now.

As the host of this temple is Goddess Kwan Im. Besides Dewi Kwan Im on the left and right temple was also built places for other Gods.Unlike most temples in Indonesia or in the Chinese city, Boen Tek Bio Temple has a tradition that has lasted for hundreds of years that is what is known as the Mutual Toapekong. Once every 12 years when the year is the Dragon according to Chinese calendar, took place in the city of Tangerang palanquin procession Yes Lam Ka, Tek Kwan Kun and last Joli Kwan Im Ema. Feast of the Dragon is enlivened by the Lion Dance and Puppet show Potehi who successfully siphon thousands of visitors.

Regarding the first arrival of Chinese people to Tangerang not clearly known. In the book entitled Sunda history? "Tina Kite Parahyang"? (Note from Parahyangan) called on the arrival of the Chinese people to the area of Tangerang. The book told of the landing party Tjie Tjen Lung (Halung) at theestuary of the river Cisadane are now given the name Dragon Bay in 1407 . at that time around the government center downtown now, which is ruled by Sanghyang Anggalarang Sanghyang Much as representative of the image of the Kingdom of Parahyangan. Boat Halung entourage had pictorial and were damaged as well run out of supplies. Destination area who originally wanted to visit is the White Rose. The delegation was led Halung seven heads of families and there are nine of them girls and young children. They then face Trance Anggalarang to ask for help. because the girls who participated in the delegation was beautiful, the staff fell in love and eventually Anggalarang ninth girl dipersuntingnya. As compensation, the trips Halung given piece of land north coast of Java in the east of the river Cisadane, which is now called Kampung Teluk Naga.

Speaking of Boen Tek Bio Temple is inseparable from the historical city of Tangerang and the presence of the Chinese in Tangerang.

Besides the mutual Toapekong event, since 1911 the people of Boen Tek Bio Petjun a party that was held in Kali Cisadane, the dragon boat racing competitions. The race is held around May-June during the dry season when river water was clear and calm.

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